What are you afraid of?

Ive known Ive needed to go back to daily Breathwork for a few months now. Ive had alot of resistance. Alot. My tummy has been holding knots and my energy is sluggish. It is 110 wet degrees outside but still my energy is being held. I finally did it.

"What are you afraid of? Why the resistance?" because Im afraid of my own power.

"Why?" ... protection. The spirits (humans) that will show up and the ones who won't.

I cant do it all on my own. Its not supposed to be that way.

The energy has changed within the last month. I can feel people pulling from me. Wanting my time. I can tell in their eyes when they want something from me.

and then I remember the conversations and friendships I now have because they heard me sing.

huh. Then I circle back to what my yoga teacher asked me as I was just to laying down for a chiro adjustment... "What are you afraid of?"

it ended up being a chiro somatic session.